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How many videos are posted to website ?

The content shown on the ” HOME” page is the content posted to the site. See Number for an exact amount.

Can I OPT-OUT of Recurring Payments ?

Yes, this can be done by commenting the words “OPT-OUT” in the “My Account” Tab located to the upper right menu. Please note that the billing cycle starts on the 27th day of your initial membership signing. This means that all recurring payment members will be charged on the 27th day of their membership. As a result, those who decide to OPT-OUT of recurring payments will have to do so within 27 days to avoid being charged for the previous month. This also means users who sign-up and OPT-OUT on the same month will only be given 26 days of access to avoid the early billing cycle membership charge.

How Come I’m Blocked From Signing-Up ?

Any issues with billing/refunds must be handled by “candidUtopia” management. Any users who request a refund by a third party and or commit fraud will be blocked and banned from this platform and all associated websites for life. Management can be reached 24/7 by replying to the membership e-mail confirmation.

When Is my Sign-In Access Valid ?

Only active/current users are allowed to sign into the website. Sign-In privileges of user’s who have opt-out will expire in 26 days. Therefore, only recurring payment users have the ability to Sign-In after a 27 day period.

Can I Get a Refund ?

There are no refunds issued. This website has a NO-REFUND policy. Once a user has access to the content their refund is void.

Can I Download The Videos & Save them to My Laptop/Mobile Device or Computer ?

No, you cannot. All downloading capabilities have been disabled. This means, user’s do not have the ability to download any of the content posted to the website. This is a video streaming platform which means your monthly payment grants you the ability to stream the content while connected to the internet.

Is There a Data Recommendation for Sufficient Video Streaming ?

All user’s are recommended to have at least 500 megabytes per second in order to sufficiently stream the videos posted to the website. Lower internet speeds have a greater chance of experiencing bufferring and slower response time. Please contact your (ISP) internet service provider prior to joining this website. Check internet speed – SPEED TEST

When is The Site Updated with New Content ?

Members/Users can expect new content every Monday & Friday after 12 a.m eastern time.





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Premium $16.99 now and then $19.99 every 30 Days. Select
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Basic $39.99 now.
Membership expires after 30 Days.

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